Sunday, May 03, 2009

a serious update

okk.... so what's up in my life?

- i have bilateral patellofemoral syndrome, which in simple terms, is pain in my knees caused by my kneecaps shifting. this takes 6-9 months to recover completely, according to my sports medicine doctor.
this means, i have a probable 6 month downpes to C2L1... which means im excused soc/ippt for that time. and, ill probably have a long RMJ excuse too.
that means, .. .. ORD loh.

ok fine, not yet, but that will be in 6 months or so.

- i'm guarding Exxonmobil Refinery (EMR) now.. till 13th June. the good thing is i'm attached to the HQ so all i do is man the air con ops room, and i work 2 days, off 2 days. (as compared to other ppl who work 5 days off 2 days. ha)
=D this life should be forever. well , not forever, till ORD la.

- i got twitter.. which you can see over there ------>

- actually i've nothing more to say.
yup k bye.
oh, and ignore my previous post